About Our Company

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  2. About Our Company

Company’s Profile

Name of Company: YBK Industrial Corporation Inc.
Established: April, 1961
President: Tatsuya Yamada
Capital: 10,000,000 yen

Headquarters / Tokushima office
385-1, Enmei, Kokufu-cho, Tokushima-shi, Tokushima, 779-3128
TEL:088-642-1332 / FAX:088-642-1340

Tokyo office
23-2,Kandahigashimatsushita-cho,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 101-0042
TEL:03-6273-3131 / FAX:03-6273-3132

Osaka office
4-4-25, Nishi-Nakajima, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 532-0011
TEL:06-6170-1123 / FAX:06-6170-1369

Fukuoka office
3-4-25, Hakata-Ekimae, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka 812-0011
TEL:092-419-7094 / FAX:088-642-1340

Development Department / Laboratory
385-1, Enmei, Kokufu-cho, Tokushima-shi, Tokushima, 779-3128
TEL:088-643-2902 / FAX:088-642-1340


1961 Yamada Block Industry was established to produce concrete blocks and construction works
1976 Released the dry mortar “MORUCON”
1977 Changed the company name to YBK Industrial Corporation Inc.
1998 Released the natural soil paving material “GANKOMASA”
2002 Cooperated with Izumi Kogyo Inc.
2005 Released a high-performance soil paving material “SUPER GANKOMASA”
2006 Released weed-preventing sand “SOUMU-KACHO”
2010 Released weed-preventing material “HASHIPITAN”
2011 Released Covering soil paving material “KESHO-MASA”
2014 Released weed-preventing material for exclusive use for roads and green belts “LIGHT GANKOMASA”
2015 Opened Tokyo office in Minato-ku, Tokyo
Received the “Inamori Manager Award” by Seiwa-juku≫
2017 Participated in Carbon Offset Project
Released GANKOMASA with moss and mold suppression, and SUPER GANKOMASA with enhanced moss and mold suppression.
Joint research and development with JR East
2018 Tokyo office moved to Kandasuda-cho, Chiyodaku
Osaka office moved to Nishi-nakajima, Yodogawaku, Osaka-shi
Released Hybrid weed-preventing method “Mr. Kamada’s Columbus’ Egg”
2019 Opened Fukuoka office in Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi
2020 Tokyo office moved to Kandahigashimatsushita-cho,Chiyodaku